Alex Edwards

About me


Hey, I'm Alex! I help build polished services with an emphasis on great developer experience, from documentation to dev tools, most recently as Senior Software Engineer at the BBC delivering iPlayer to the browser.


I am a full-stack engineer creating services, tools, and rendering content in the browser. I enjoy tinkering around with experiments and challenging myself in various concepts to gain either a deeper understanding or simply a proof of implementation.

In the past I've created both micro-services and micro-frontends on a number of projects, from delivering simple user experiences to millions of users; to handling large quantity payment schedules in Stripe.

When I'm not working I enjoy travelling, exploring different countries and cultures. In 2017 I spent a year abroad travelling Europe and Asia, but now it's more like weekends away.

What I'm Doing Now

  • Right now, I'm learning Go-lang and Rust for their improvements over Typescript in both services and dev tooling.
  • I'm most often working on delivering new experiences to iPlayer in the browser .
  • I'm currently adapting development operations, tooling, and integrations to better enable engineers' delivery with minimal friction or manual interventions.
  • I often prototype and create proof on concepts in public repositories .

Professional records can be found on my CV .